At ANCF, we believe life groups are the heart of the church. We see the early church in Acts 2:46 as our example. They met together daily in the temple courtyards and shared meals in each other’s homes. Our life groups are diverse communities sharing life together. We meet in our homes to eat together, pray, study the bible and learn how to apply it to our lives. Scroll down to learn more about each group. 

If you're not sure which group is good for you, please scroll to the bottom and complete the interest form. 

Core Groups

Core Groups at ANCF exist to deepen our connection with God, one another, and the vision of ANCF. Joining a Core Group is a great way to grow as a disciple of Jesus while getting to know others at ANCF. Together you’ll pray, worship, eat, serve, and have fun.

  • Living Letters

    Starting:  January 15th

    Wednesdays: 6:45p

    Location: Contact leaders for location.

    Leaders: David Brown: or Mary Brown:

    Topic:  The Book of Job

    Our group is both ethnically and generationally diverse. We have both singles and married couples all in different stages of life as well as different stages in their spiritual journey. Our goal is to go deep into God's Word and see true transformation happen in our lives. We use book and video studies, books of the Bible, or sometimes we follow the sermon series.

    Interested in learning more about this group? Click the image, fill out the interest form, and one of the ANCF leaders will contact you.

  • Serving Grace

    Starting: January 17th

    Fridays: 6:30pm

    Location: Contact leaders for information.

    Leaders: Paul & Jona Nichols: or Matt & Lisa Forsythe:

    Topic: The life of Abraham

    We are open to all, desiring to grow deeper in our relationship with God through study, prayer and serving others through Christ's grace. We have also partnered with CRIS in welcoming and helping a refugee family get settled. 

    Interested in learning more about this group? Click the image, fill out the interest form, and one of the ANCF leaders will contact you.

  • southwest sunday group

    Starting: January 19th

    Sundays: 5:30pm

    Location: Doug & Sheri's house, contact them for location

    Leaders: Doug & Sheri Coning

    Topic: Heaven

    We’re a group of people coming together to grow in our relationship with God. Whether you’re married or single, you’re welcome here! Our time together will be filled with delicious food, great fellowship, and lots of fun. Please note that childcare is not currently available.

    Interested in learning more about this group? Click the image, fill out the interest form, and one of the ANCF leaders will contact you.

ministry / special interest groups

At ANCF, our ministry and special interest groups are a great way to dive deeper into topics that matter to you or get involved in specific types of ministry. Whether it’s joining a church ministry team or exploring subjects like prayer and fasting, there’s something for everyone. 

  • Your Kingdom Come

    Starting:  January 17th

    Fridays: 7:00p

    Location: 43 W 4th Ave, Rotunda

    Leaders: Jude D'Souza or Nancy D'Souza

    Topic:  Praying Through the Lord's Prayer

    Want to grow in your prayer life? Join us as we explore how to spend meaningful time with God and find direction in our prayers. We'll be learning how to pray through the Lord's Prayer and discovering how it can guide us. Everyone is welcome join us—let’s grow in prayer together!

    Interested in learning more about this group? Click the image, fill out the interest form, and one of the ANCF leaders will contact you.

  • The Unconditional Embrace

    Starting: January 16th

    Thursdays: 7:00p

    Location:  Varies contact leaders for location

    Leaders: Julia Stahl and Rebecca Andriani

    Topic: Acknowledging and experiencing God's purpose & blessings in this season of singleness. 

    Our vision is to be women who acknowledge and experience God's purpose and blessings in this season of singleness. We commit to building a community together. recognizing who we are individually and unified in Christ as unmarried women. Our desire is to experience God's unconditional love and fully embrace this season of our lives, walking in faith, grace, and obedience.

    Interested in learning more about this group? Click the image, fill out the interest form, and one of the ANCF leaders will contact you.

Partner Groups

The church is bigger than us here at ANCF.  We value what God is doing throughout his kingdom and often partner with other ministries that are doing kingdom work that we value. We have close relationships with the following ministries that operate in Columbus on many different campuses.

  • Freedom In Christ ONLINE Course

    Starting: To Be Determined

    Days / Times: Varies

    Location: TBD

    Topic: Discipleship course

    The Freedom in Christ Course is a Bible-based discipleship course designed to help every Christian break free from what is holding them back and become who they are made to be in Christ. It is for every Christian—from those who have been Christians for a long time to those who are brand-new followers of Jesus. Unlike many Christian discipleship courses today, the focus of this course is not on how to behave, but on what to believe.

    The course is led by a trained FICM staff or volunteer and runs for 12 weeks, including an intro week and a week for participants to work through The Steps to Freedom in Christ, a step-by-step prayer and repentance process. Participants will be expected to watch the videos prior to class, do the weekly homework, and attend each weekly Zoom meeting to discuss what they have learned.

    Interested in learning more about this group? Click the image, fill out the interest form, and one of the ANCF leaders will contact you.

Bridge Groups

Bridge Groups are great for people who are just starting to learn about Jesus, the Bible, and ANCF! Our Bridge Groups’ chief aim is to form “bridges” between various communities and people groups to Jesus and his people here in the community and around the world!

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